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Just Jools

Directed by Ezra Verbist, 2025


Twelve-year-old Jools dreams of having the courage to dance with self-confidence. When she meets Yorrith, a choreographer who truly sees her, Jools learns to shake off the gaze of others. She discovers her strength in the freedom of dance, where there is no right or wrong.


Director Ezra Verbist

DOP Angela Otten

Editors Kwinten Gernay, Ezra Verbist

Assistant director Sarah Lederman

Sound engineers Ive Van Krunkelsven, Judith Van Eenooghe, Inoti Bruneel

Original music Ruben De Gheselle

Sound design Pascale Schaer

Foley CĂ©line Bernard

Re-recording mix Jonathan Vanneste

Grading Kene Illegems

Producers Emmy Oost & Rosa Duvekot for Cassette for timescapes

Co-produced by Magellan Films

In coproduction with VRT Ketnet

With the support of The Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government, deAuteurs, Stad Leuven


Jeugdfilmfestival Antwerpen 2025