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Directed by Daphne van den Blink, 2020

Main Info

Creative short documentary, Belgium


Kwinten misses his best friend Obi, who has just moved away. But even more he misses his father, who is often on a mission with the navy. PAPAMAGNEET is a documentary for children about missing and how to deal with it.

Social Media


Papamagneet is now available on VOD:
vrt.nu - Belgium only - go to platform
Dafilms.com - worldwide - go to platform


Winnaars Ket & Doc aangekondigd!


Press Kit


Written and directed by Daphne van den Blink

Produced by Emmy Oost & Magalie Dierick - Cassette for timescapes

Director of photography Jonathan Wannyn

Sound engineer Kwinten Van Laethem

Editing by Febe Simoens

Supported by VAF/MEDIAFONDS, KETNET, Cultuur Gent, Stad Gent, JEF


JEF Festival (BE) World premiere

Docville 2020 (BE) Section: Young Docs

Minikino Film Week 2020 - Bali International Short FF (ID) International competition

CineKid Screening Club (NL)

DOK Leipzig 2020 (DE) Section: Kids DOK

Chicago International Children’s Film Festival 2020 (USA) Section: Are we there yet (ages 8-10)